2 weeks in Cape Breton
It was a long night and day before finally arriving in Cape Breton. Flight delays and then a wait in Halifax visiting Cecilia and Francis while waiting for Ivan, Jennie, Ashlee, Ryker and their friend Nicolle to fly in. And then the 3 hour drive. Mostly the next 2 weeks would be days of warm (not hot) weather around 24C, sunny clear skies, and moderate winds that occasionally went to near gale force (the bad f-word, "fog", only appeared on a couple of mornings and was gone before afternoon. Even the sea temperature was relatively warm and pretty nice to swim in. Both Ivan and Paul launched their power boats - although Paul's did not stay in more than a few days as it was discovered to need some work. Ivan's stayed in until last night when she was hauled out as he and the kids fly back out west on tomorrow. We had some pretty good times out on the ocean and in the Bras D'Or lakes. A lot of tubing (see the next video), a little boarding, some swimming, and a...