Siem Reap, Cambodia

Taxi - Train - Tuk Tuk - Mini Van - Taxi Train tracks at Village Stop On the train So what a ride! We set our alarm clocks and where checked out and in our taxi at 4:30am. We arrived at Hualamphang Railway station at 4:50, purchased our tickets (Thai Baht 48 per person - around US$1.60) and stood around for a long time with the locals and a few dodgy looking foreigners. Around 5:10am we heard a train arriving and moved out to our platform 6 - good thing because as soon as it stopped and the non-existent passengers disembarked - it was open for open seating boarding. We lucked in! The train left station at 6:05 (only 10 minutes late). We commenced through the densely populated city of Bangkok and out into the outlaying countryside. A completley flat landscape from Bangkok to the Cambodian border. With Cambodia continuing the endless flat views. The Tuk Tuk from the train tried to drop us off first at a spot to get a Cambodian visa but we were alre...