Fraser Family Cottage

I headed out of Provincetown on August 15 and was sad to leave. It really was a wonderful stay. Toll ways were the "un-memorable" rule of the next two days as I worked my way out of the New England states. Thankfully the roads were much better and toll free through Wisconsin, Minnesota, and North Dakota. Then my next adventure was crossing back into Canada where Canada Customs thought I needed to be more fully searched! OK just doing their jobs - unfortunately that delayed me by 70 minutes. At the end it was all my computer stuff that caused the delay... their IT expert was unable to figure out my GoPro video camera (really?), my bluetooth communicator for my hearing aid and my communicator for my Garmin GPS watch (OK those 2 are kind of out there!). No harm done I still arrived in early evening at Kerry and Donna's home in Winnipeg. That evening I met Kerry's dad, Harold, again and he is in great shape (never mind that he is 90 years young). I can just hope that...