2019 Toronto-Curaçao-Toronto part 1


Early morning with cold (for Victoria) temperature I drove to the airport to park a 10 minute walk away from the terminal. But then security was only a 5 minute queue. So time for breakfast. Onto a partially full Air Canada flight which gave me a whole row to myself (yeah!). 

I napped a fair way of the direct flight to Toronto, but was well awake to take in the white of the ground as we descended for landing. Blowing snow from high snowdrifts and multiple loaded with snow dump trucks along the taxi ways and tarmac. It looked cold!

I headed from Terminal 1 to Terminal 3 to reach our agreed Fiona MacCool meeting point  - but oops it’s on the other side of security... So a text message later Kerry, Donna and I meet outside baggage claim. We arrange an Uber ride and arrive at John’s home just before 4:00pm. Uber was a great choice so that we didn’t have to haul luggage through public transportation and change of vehicles.

After a little house exploration and unpacking we headed out to Feathers Pub (http://www.thefeatherspub.ca/Home/tabid/8365/Default.aspx) for drinks and to meetup with John for dinner. Conversation catchup continued back at home base before calling it a day.

Next day 3 of us slept in while John had to go to work. For lunch we decided on Indian Curry and headed out to find it - cold and windy under blue skies and poorly shoveled side walks - but not an open venue could we find. So pizza filled in.  Getting around was a bit challenging in the poorly shoveled sidewalks.

We returned to John’s 4.5 kilometres later (me being very chilled)! A bit of napping with vinyl records on the turntable and plans to take in a live band later ... but best plans and all that ... the venue/band cancelled before we hit the road (plans were to listen to Freeman Dre - http://www.freemandre.com/ - at Drom Taberna - https://www.dromtaberna.com/ - but that had to change to Indian Curry at Guatama - http://www.gautamadine.ca/ - followed by drinks at the micro brewery Godspeed Brewery - https://godspeedbrewery.com/...

February 1

Donna headed out for Kingston to visit her Dad overnight, and John headed in for one more day at work. Kerry and I hung around lazing for most of the day while the temperature slowly climbed but remained cold! The 2 of us then headed out to Louis Cifer Brewworks - http://www.louisciferbrewworks.com/ - to meet up with Barb and Karen (more ex-HK’er and Barb being John’s ex; Karen is Barb’s sister). The pub was very busy with a fundraiser for a nearby venue that was destroyed in a recent fire. From there we went to Barb’s home for a nightcap before heading home after 1:00am.

February 2

Temperatures continued rising to nearly the zero mark. Donna was still out with her Dad... I slept in late!

Later John & Kerry headed out for some grocery shopping while I did the mundane chore of laundry.

Dinner was a fantastic meal of sou vide ribs that were then dry rubbed and finished under a grill with mushroom and cheese risotto that John prepared. Beer, wine, gin & tonic and lazing listening to music before we retire later...


Next update will be after we arrive in Curaçao!

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