2016 Road Trip with Kerry & Donna - Newfoundland - Twillingate

Just over 5 hours driving got us to Twillingate. We had planned at staying at the Dildo Run Provincial Park Campground but it seemed to be closed so we carried on. We also planned on stocking up on some groceries but the May long weekend seems to have closed the grocery stores as well (but liquor stores were open). 

As we were driving up the chain of islands we spotted our first iceberg but carried on driving. We next passed what would be our campground and headed straight out to land’s end on Twillingate Island, Long Point Lighthouse. Icebergs were visible on the horizon and one fairly close in for viewing from below the lighthouse and out onto dangerous cliff areas. 

Back at our campsite Donna and I explored the local shore with two bergs in fairly close. The village shorefront was home to picturesque fishing boats, sheds, wharfs and homes on a rather rocky and barren landscape. It was shorts weather until the sun started setting.

Our next days walk was down into the village and along its bayfront. Then after lunch we headed to the northern tipoff the island to see a fairly large iceberg that the lady at the information centre let us know about (it had been out at sea but overnight came quite close into the rocky beach near her home).

We finished off the day lazing about under clear blue skies and warm weather (except when the wind caught you!).

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