2019 New Zealand - Campervan 3 Te Anau

Welcome back... It's about time I do this entry (shortly after I left Te Anau heading to Milford Sound the wifi and cellphone service disappeared - Milford Sound had satellite service which I would not pay for). So finally, here's the drive to and stay in Te Anau...

The drive out

Lovely birds, interesting streams and a colorful town along the route from Wanaka to Te Anau. The colorful town was named Cadrona (and had a fence loaded with bras that they name “Bra’drona”! Twisty switch back roads followed one or more rivers - many of which there were not pull off for - but I did get a stop of two for a few photos.  The route crested at Crown Range Summit with views overlooking Queenstown and Francton.

A bird to two (more later in Te Anau itself)


Variable Oystercatcher

Yellowhead - bird on a wire

Interesting Streams


And the views

Lake Te Anau

Lake Te Anau is “Marakura,” meaning “Red Earth”, and was a landmark for Maori explorers. Legend tells how Fiordland National Park was carved by Tu Te Raki Whanoa’s mighty wedge, and Hinenuitepa ensured mortals would not linger by unleashing Te Namu (the Sandfly). Te Anau is the entrance to Fiordland.

Only one night here - nice spot to camp and a small interesting village to explore.
First up was the lakeshore walk. I headed out but was quickly sidetracked by a small bird sanctuary within the lakeshore park.

Birds more birds





"Scaup" Duck



"Scaup" Ducks

Paradise Duck


"Scaup" Duck

Paradise Duck baby

Paradise Duck baby
Continuing on it was interesting seeing waves (some quite large breakers) on a lake! I carried on along the shore and out as far as the start of the Kepler Track (but that track is a multi day hike). Quite a few cyclists were making use of the excellent track.

I also explored the small main street.

Overnight temperatures dipped below 15c - which actually made it feel quite chilly for me.

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